Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 15 San Francisco to Santa Cruz

Jim and I were last out of Frisco this morning.  It was damp and foggy like San Fran can be as we pedaled around the south end of the Golden Gate.  We passed the Legion of Honor Museum Fine Arts Museum


Legion of Honor Fine Arts Museum


Little boxes, made of ticky tacky

there's a green one and a pink one and blue one and a yellow one


and they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same


If you remember that song, you must be really old!

This wind mill was built in 1902 to pump water into golden gate park


How about a life-sized steel bull...with a saddle


And here's my ex ...and her family???


On the way to Santa Cruz


Pidgeon Point Lighthouse, just north of Santa Cruz


Lighthouse facts

The shoreline of Santa Cruz...beautiful, even after cycling 92 miles!

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